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Guiding individuals of all abilities to find and sustain meaningful employment.

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Supported Employment Services

Responding to Autism's Employment Services Division, EmployAbility Services,  guides job seekers of all abilities to find and sustain meaningful employment through services designed to promote self-sufficiency and independence, remove barriers, create opportunities, and help participants obtain successful employment.  Although we specialize in autism spectrum disorder, we support individuals with any disability seeking supported employment.


We envision a community of inclusion that embraces persons with all abilities and provides them with opportunities to become contributing members of their community, become self-sufficient and feel a sense of self-worth.


Or give us a call for a free consultation at 509.396.9230

Responding to Autism Services is accredited by CARF (The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) for the following services: Employment Planning Services, Job Development and Employment Supports.

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